- Create a file like nano file1.txt
1. Edit some data and then save the file - Now we will copy date from file1 to new file2
1. cp file1.txt file2.txt
2. Then see the output of file2.txt, cat file2.txt
3. Give screenshot - Now we will move the file2.txt to new folder /home
1. mv file2.txt /home
2. Then go to home directory and check ls, file exits or not?
3. Given screenshot - Then we create a new file3.txt and file4.txt in home directory and add content in it.
1. Now do echo “Hello I am newline” > file3.txt and provide the output of file3.txt
2. Now do echo “Hello I am newline” >> file4.txt and provide the output of file4.txt
3. Tell the different between both step you follow and the reason behind it - For remove a file or directory you can use the below two commands
1. To delete a file – rm <any_filename>
2. To delete a directory – rmdir <any_directoryname>